1 Where can I find your sports nutrition products?
In Spain you will find them in specialized pharmacies, and in the Sports section in certain sports stores.
Outside Spain you can buy them in our online store.
2 How many sachets of Recuperat-ion Hydrasport can I take per day?
Clinical studies show that after exercise, it is necessary to replenish water and mineral salts up to 150% of the body weight lost through sweating. The dissolved salts must be at a high concentration.
In other words, if you have lost 1 kilogram of weight, you should drink 1.5 liters of water. Therefore, to reach the ideal concentration of ions, you should dissolve 3 sachets of Recuperat-ion Sport for every 1.5 liters of water.
There is no limit to the number of sachets that can be taken by healthy sportsmen and sportswomen, as it is advisable to replace all the salts lost through sweat as soon as possible.
Also bear in mind that before and during exercise it is important to be well hydrated. For more information you can visit the section "Our advices".
3 How many sachets of Recuperat-ion FM can I take per day?
If there is no obvious dehydration caused for example by heavy sweating, the most important thing is not to take too many daily doses but instead to take fewer doses over a longer period of time.
To improve deep hydration and thus alleviate muscular discomfort, it is recommended to take 1 sachet dissolved in 1 liter of water per day. However, for its effect to be permanent, the level consumption should be maintained over a long period of time in a responsible manner, which, depending on the degree of muscular discomfort, may last for six months or a year.
At specific moments the intake can be increased to a maximum of 2, 3 or 4 sachets per day.
4 For how long can I take Recuperat-ion FM and Recuperat-ion Hydrasport?
It can be taken regularly according to your hydration needs.
However, remember that only your doctor or pharmacist has the required expertise to guide you on matters about your health.
5 Does Recuperat-ion have any incompatibility with other minerals, medications or with food?
The ions and water are absorbed very quickly and do not interfere with other nutrients.
As with any other dietary supplement, especially if you are taking any type of medication, you should consult with your doctor first about the advisability of taking Recuperat-ion.
6 Can I take Recuperat-ion FM or Recuperat-ion Hydrasport if I suffer from hypertension?
As with any disease, your doctor should advise you on the best possible diet to avoid unnecessary risks, so we advise you to ask your doctor first if your hypertension is sodium-dependent, and if you can take this supplement.
Your doctor may also advise you to reduce the quantity salt in your diet to compensate for the increase in sodium.
7 Is it useful for treating diseases?
We frequently receive queries from our consumers about the usefulness of Recuperat-ion in the treatment of certain rheumatic diseases, so we recommend our consumers to always consult their doctor first to know which treatments can be useful in their particular personal situation.
Recuperat-ion is not a medicine but a food supplement designed to provide an optimal hydration based on mineral salts to people who experience an intense muscular wear.
8 Can I take my usual medicines together with vitAmin-T?
VitAmin-T has no counterindications but if you follow a controlled diet or suffer from any disease we advise you to consult your doctor or pharmacist first about the convenience of taking vitAmin-T®.
9 Is there a danger of overdose with the administration of vitAmin-T?
With the recommended doses there is no possibility of an overdose because the concentrations of the ingredients of vitAmin-T® have been calculated so they do not exceed the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) by experts.
10 Can I take a drink based on mineral salts, such as Recuperat-ion Hydrasport or Recuperat-ion FM, together with vitAmin-T?
The positive "anti-fatigue of peripheral origin" effect of a correct hydration is enhanced by the "anti-fatigue of central origin" effect produced by vitAmin-T.